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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: redbubble

OOTD: Redrum

carpet from the shining outfit.pngHad a pretty shitty holiday in terms of my health. It turns out altitude sickness is extremely serious, potentially fatal, and fucking TERRIFYING.So, today, I kicked off the new year and my road to recovery with follow-up visits to the doctor and a brand new therapist for my brand new altitude-sickness-near-death-related anxiety! Hooray! This dress and scarf combo featuring the carpet pattern from The Shining just felt right for the occasion. You know?Anywho, pics and info behind the cut.the carpet from the shiningcarpet from the shining dressscarf and hermes scarf ringtaryn rose booties

Outfit Info

Hope you had better holidays than I did! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 


Holiday Dressing, Birthday.pngThe most important celebration of the holiday season is easily my birthday, December 15th. Pretty sure it's a federal holiday. So, go ahead and skip out on work tomorrow.To help you celebrate, I've put together a little list of Redbubble dresses that are appropriately birthday-themed. Enjoy!Birthday Print Dress_1Birthday Print Dress_2Birthday Print Dress_3Birthday Print Dress_4Hope you enjoy my birthday! May there be many crazy shenanigans! 

Holiday Dressing, Part 3: Festivus

What to Wear for FestivusAnother round of Redbubble dresses perfect for dancing around the Festivus pole or performing feats of strength! Festivus Dress – Icons of SeinfeldFestivus Dress – Seinfeld FacesFestivus Dress – Puffy ShirtFestivus Dress – CostanzaFestivus DressIf you need more holiday dressing ideas or just wanna look at some dresses because dresses are awesome and pants are the devil, check out the previous two posts in this series: Hanukkah and Christmas.

Holiday Dressing, Part 2: Hannukah


My series on holiday-themed, Redbubble dresses continues! (Find last week's Xmas prints at this link.) Here are eight excellent dresses for something-something-Adam-Sandler-movie-reference-something. 

Hanukkah Dress1Hanukkah Dress4Hanukkah Dress7Hanukkah DressHanukkah Dress5Hanukkah Dress6Hanukkah Dress3Hanukkah Dress2Still to come: dresses to wear for Festivus, My Birthday (pretty sure that's a national holiday) and New Year's Eve!Hope you're swell!

OOTD: Pink Yarn Print

pink yarn full outfit.pngI like red and I like pink and I like putting outfits together and taking pictures of them. Oh, look! Here are some pictures now!pink yarn ootdpink yarn print scarf, safety pin and earringspink yarn print close uppink yarn outfit details with bagred leather studded shoes close up

Outfit Info

  • "Pink Yarn" dress and scarf by etherize  – Redbubble
  • hammered silver studs – Gorjana
  • giant red safety pin used as a scarf ring – Amazon
  • red faux leather moto jacket – Zara
  • turquoise leather clutch – Baggu
  • red leather booties – Topshop

Hope you're doing swell!

Holiday Dressing, Part 1: Christmas

Holiday Dressing, Part 1: ChristmasMaybe you've noticed my love of Redbubble dresses (examples here, here, herehere, and here). Maybe you'd prefer to call it an obsession. Maybe you should stop judging and get off my back for once. Maybe you're kind of jerk. Maybe you can fuck right off.WAIT! WAIT! Don't go. I'm sorry. Look! I picked out a whole bunch of Christmas-print dresses for you. 12 of them, in fact, for the 12 days of Christmas. Isn't that cute? Forgive me and look at these awesome dresses!BEHOLD!Christmas by franceslewisGodsend by milesmoodyCandy Cane Pattern Dark Green by evannaveSparkles, Stars and Shiny Things Photograph by Heatherianchristmas gold leg lamp by gossipragSnowman, Christmas decoration by homemadecreate"Jingle Bells" by ImagequeenChrismas Fairy Lights Pattern by evannaveChristmas Antiquities, Winner of the Christmas Theme Challenge 2016 by fengshuibabeChristmas Tree by JaneenFarmerChristmas Card by ChuckcGlitter Stripes by kirbykilpatrickPlease send one of each to my home immediately.Anywho, as the title suggests, this is but the first in a series of posts with my picks for holiday dresses. Over the coming weeks, I'll cover Hanukkah, Festivus, Birthdays (because it's almost my birthday), and New Year's Eve! STAY TUNED AND LET'S NEVER FIGHT AGAIN!

OOTD: Big Trouble In Little China

big trouble in little china outfit.pngMy outfit homage to one of the greatest films of all time.Had planned to wear this out to dinner one night over the Thanksgiving holiday, but, instead got lazy and ate leftovers. It was the environmentally friendly choice!A closer look at the details...lo pan – big trouble in little chinajack burton – big trouble in little chinafree people royale flats.png

Outfit Info:


OOTD: Playing My Cards Right

Carded Outfit.jpgHad a terrific dinner at The Progress last night. Go there and eat all the things immediately!ALL THE THINGS.IMMEDIATELY.This is what I wore. Bigger pics and details behind the cut.playing cards dressplaying cards dress with mesh top detail

Outfit Info


OOTD: Thanksgiving Prep

Thanksgiving OutfitIf everything goes according to plan, I'll be spending most of the Thanksgiving holiday in some variation of jammies – jammies with a jacket to go get some coffee, jammies with some slippers to head to the fridge, jammies and a blanket to catch up on some Netflix. Jammies with some jammies to sit and think about jammies. Jammies.Anywho, I reckoned I should get a little dressing up in before jammies-gedon. I wore this yesterday to go pick up a turkey and gather provisions.Outfit info and a closer look at this awesome Redbubble print behind the cut. Forest Creek @ Sunrise in Fall by DyrkWystI want to go to there, but part of me suspects a demogorgon inhabits these woods. Only one way to find out...[gallery ids="7632,7631" type="rectangular"]

Outfit Details

Side note: I've had these Frye boots of TEN (10!) years. They really hold up. 13/10 would recommend.How's your Tuesday going? Good? Good. 

DIY: Custom Printed Dresses

summer colors woven paper dressMaybe this is news to no one, but did you know you could have super cute dresses printed from your own photographs? I only found out over the weekend and it continues to blow my damn mind. Isn't technology amazing, you guys? WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT?Needless to say, I've been very busy ripping up construction paper and taking pictures to create my own, one-of-a-kind prints. Look at me! I'm a textile designer!Pics and links behind the cut.summer sky paper dresssummer stripe paper dresssummer weave paper dresssummer colors woven paper dressAll of these were created on Redbubble. It is incredibly easy to upload your own images and make any variety of objects – clothing items, prints, accessories, etc. – with your prints. Just makes sure your images are enormous. There's information about dimensions and formats right here.Anywho, just wanted to share what I think is an insanely awesome development in the world of on-demand, customized everything. The future is now!Oh, and I've also uploaded hella old photographs to make stuff out of. If you're curious, you can see my entire "portfolio" at this link.