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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: holiday style guide

Holiday Dressing, Part 1: Christmas

Holiday Dressing, Part 1: ChristmasMaybe you've noticed my love of Redbubble dresses (examples here, here, herehere, and here). Maybe you'd prefer to call it an obsession. Maybe you should stop judging and get off my back for once. Maybe you're kind of jerk. Maybe you can fuck right off.WAIT! WAIT! Don't go. I'm sorry. Look! I picked out a whole bunch of Christmas-print dresses for you. 12 of them, in fact, for the 12 days of Christmas. Isn't that cute? Forgive me and look at these awesome dresses!BEHOLD!Christmas by franceslewisGodsend by milesmoodyCandy Cane Pattern Dark Green by evannaveSparkles, Stars and Shiny Things Photograph by Heatherianchristmas gold leg lamp by gossipragSnowman, Christmas decoration by homemadecreate"Jingle Bells" by ImagequeenChrismas Fairy Lights Pattern by evannaveChristmas Antiquities, Winner of the Christmas Theme Challenge 2016 by fengshuibabeChristmas Tree by JaneenFarmerChristmas Card by ChuckcGlitter Stripes by kirbykilpatrickPlease send one of each to my home immediately.Anywho, as the title suggests, this is but the first in a series of posts with my picks for holiday dresses. Over the coming weeks, I'll cover Hanukkah, Festivus, Birthdays (because it's almost my birthday), and New Year's Eve! STAY TUNED AND LET'S NEVER FIGHT AGAIN!