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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

OOTD: Thanksgiving Prep

Thanksgiving OutfitIf everything goes according to plan, I'll be spending most of the Thanksgiving holiday in some variation of jammies – jammies with a jacket to go get some coffee, jammies with some slippers to head to the fridge, jammies and a blanket to catch up on some Netflix. Jammies with some jammies to sit and think about jammies. Jammies.Anywho, I reckoned I should get a little dressing up in before jammies-gedon. I wore this yesterday to go pick up a turkey and gather provisions.Outfit info and a closer look at this awesome Redbubble print behind the cut. Forest Creek @ Sunrise in Fall by DyrkWystI want to go to there, but part of me suspects a demogorgon inhabits these woods. Only one way to find out...[gallery ids="7632,7631" type="rectangular"]

Outfit Details

Side note: I've had these Frye boots of TEN (10!) years. They really hold up. 13/10 would recommend.How's your Tuesday going? Good? Good.