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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: plus size outfits

OOTD: All For Moe

Simpsons-Inspired OutiftWell, now I'm just putting outfits together for the fun of it. Here's an outfit inspired by one of the greatest television shows of all time, The Simpsons.

Moe Tassel ClutchMr. Burns Call Me Enamel PinSam Edelman Embellished Slides

Outfit Details

There it is. Now take off and have a frank and productive holiday.C6o8AOpSmCTEhVD3oTfDLcxm9hk=.gif 

OOTD: Big Trouble In Little China

big trouble in little china outfit.pngMy outfit homage to one of the greatest films of all time.Had planned to wear this out to dinner one night over the Thanksgiving holiday, but, instead got lazy and ate leftovers. It was the environmentally friendly choice!A closer look at the details...lo pan – big trouble in little chinajack burton – big trouble in little chinafree people royale flats.png

Outfit Info:


OOTD: Playing My Cards Right

Carded Outfit.jpgHad a terrific dinner at The Progress last night. Go there and eat all the things immediately!ALL THE THINGS.IMMEDIATELY.This is what I wore. Bigger pics and details behind the cut.playing cards dressplaying cards dress with mesh top detail

Outfit Info


OOTD: Thanksgiving Prep

Thanksgiving OutfitIf everything goes according to plan, I'll be spending most of the Thanksgiving holiday in some variation of jammies – jammies with a jacket to go get some coffee, jammies with some slippers to head to the fridge, jammies and a blanket to catch up on some Netflix. Jammies with some jammies to sit and think about jammies. Jammies.Anywho, I reckoned I should get a little dressing up in before jammies-gedon. I wore this yesterday to go pick up a turkey and gather provisions.Outfit info and a closer look at this awesome Redbubble print behind the cut. Forest Creek @ Sunrise in Fall by DyrkWystI want to go to there, but part of me suspects a demogorgon inhabits these woods. Only one way to find out...[gallery ids="7632,7631" type="rectangular"]

Outfit Details

Side note: I've had these Frye boots of TEN (10!) years. They really hold up. 13/10 would recommend.How's your Tuesday going? Good? Good. 

OOTD: Matchy Matchy

matchy matchy dress shoes bag and beltI may have overdressed for going out to coffee. More than anything, I felt a smidge disturbed by how matchy-matchy everything was and reverted to jammies as soon as I got home. (It's Sunday! Don't judge me!)BUT, I was very pleased with the knot I tied in my belt. Close up of that, plus outfit details, behind the cut.I have no idea how I managed this and continue to fail to replicate it, but we'll always have this picture, right?leather belt knot detail

Outfit Details

What do you think? Too matchy? I will try harder!