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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: michael kors

OOTD: Playing My Cards Right

Carded Outfit.jpgHad a terrific dinner at The Progress last night. Go there and eat all the things immediately!ALL THE THINGS.IMMEDIATELY.This is what I wore. Bigger pics and details behind the cut.playing cards dressplaying cards dress with mesh top detail

Outfit Info


Crazy Hair, Don't Care

hairI think I've mentioned before that I always put my hair up when I know I'm going to be outside for any length of time. The above is what happens when my hair thingie breaks on my way home.To be honest, it's not a half-bad look. Maybe a little frizzy, but I do love myself some big hair.P.S. A post with my hair down means one more week without cutting my hair. Woohoo![Wearing: Michael Kors dress, Taryn Rose sandals, Mimic Designs clutch.]