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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: sandals

Can Fatty Wear Horizontal Stripes?



Yeah, I think I can! I am not usually a fan of stripes. There's something sort of juvenile about them to me. Juvenile or prison-y. Stripes belong on children and old-timey, keystone kapers inmates. This dress gets a pass, though, because the stripes are not true stripes – they're all stylized and wiggley. Maybe all this busy busy is what's helping me get away with the look. That, and the blazer to streamline my more troublesome areas. Overall, I'd say it works out.Bonus: Shoes I've never worn are being put too good use! It's bizarre how perfectly they match the dress. [Wearing: H&M blazer, Vince Camuto dress, Patrizia Motta shoes]

I Got This: Patrizia Motta Platform Sandals

shoesRemember how I said I was going to take the time to fish out all my unworn and/or forgotten purchases and show them a little love? Boom. I am doing that shit. First entry!I got these sandals for some kind of crazy bargain on Yoox. I haven't worn them yet. I was going to make excuses, but decided against it. I am going to wear these suckers... tomorrow.Take that, me!

Crazy Hair, Don't Care

hairI think I've mentioned before that I always put my hair up when I know I'm going to be outside for any length of time. The above is what happens when my hair thingie breaks on my way home.To be honest, it's not a half-bad look. Maybe a little frizzy, but I do love myself some big hair.P.S. A post with my hair down means one more week without cutting my hair. Woohoo![Wearing: Michael Kors dress, Taryn Rose sandals, Mimic Designs clutch.]

Stretching Some Shoes

Over the weekend I chanced upon some wicked awesome shoes. They had so much going for them: They were bright orange! They were platform wedges! They were 60% off retail! But, as luck would have it, the last available pair was a half size smaller than my usual. Undeterred, I tried them on. The length of the footbed matched my foot just fine, but the shoes were so tight at the vamp that I could barely squeeze my toes in, leaving my heel dangling off the back. I bought them anyway. Hey, I figured this would make for an excellent opportunity to document how exactly I go about stretching some shoes. Also, omg they’re so cute and make me so tall.  First, I misted the underside of the vamp with several pumps of shoe stretch spray. Then, I inserted the shoe stretchers and adjusted them until they were just a few turns beyond taut. This is a bit difficult to explain, but while adjusting the stretchers, you’ll reach a point when you first begin to feel resistance. In my experience, you don’t want to do too much stretching beyond this point. Even an eighth of an inch can make quite a bit of difference in fit and leather shoes will naturally give and stretch with wear. Remember, you can always stretch shoes just a tiny bit more, but once they’re overstretched, there’s no going back. Anyway, I left the stretchers in the shoes overnight. And in the morning… …they fit! They’re still a bit snug here and there, but it’s nothing a little wear and extra shoe stretch spray can’t fix. I am so happy with them. WOOHOO! WOOHOO!