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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: blazer

Can Fatty Wear Horizontal Stripes?



Yeah, I think I can! I am not usually a fan of stripes. There's something sort of juvenile about them to me. Juvenile or prison-y. Stripes belong on children and old-timey, keystone kapers inmates. This dress gets a pass, though, because the stripes are not true stripes – they're all stylized and wiggley. Maybe all this busy busy is what's helping me get away with the look. That, and the blazer to streamline my more troublesome areas. Overall, I'd say it works out.Bonus: Shoes I've never worn are being put too good use! It's bizarre how perfectly they match the dress. [Wearing: H&M blazer, Vince Camuto dress, Patrizia Motta shoes]