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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Foods I Hath Wrought

mashed cauliflower with olive oil and basilI haven't posted a recipe in ages. Here's why: I've been cheating on keto like a total jerk. Stuff happened. All kinds of stuff. There were cakes and chips and some champagne. There were bags of mini candies. One time, there was a pizza. Forgive me.Still, plagued by intermittent guilty feelings and the desire to do anything other than look at a screen, I have managed to cook myself the occasional keto meal over the last few months, and do quickie posts to Instagram. I've found that this process provides a pretty satisfying illusion of keeping healthy. Isn't that what the Internet has taught us: that it's the illusion that matters? If you've got a different takeaway, I don't know what Internet you're looking at.Anywho, how about some pics of some keto meals I made?