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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: textiles

DIY: Custom Printed Dresses

summer colors woven paper dressMaybe this is news to no one, but did you know you could have super cute dresses printed from your own photographs? I only found out over the weekend and it continues to blow my damn mind. Isn't technology amazing, you guys? WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT?Needless to say, I've been very busy ripping up construction paper and taking pictures to create my own, one-of-a-kind prints. Look at me! I'm a textile designer!Pics and links behind the cut.summer sky paper dresssummer stripe paper dresssummer weave paper dresssummer colors woven paper dressAll of these were created on Redbubble. It is incredibly easy to upload your own images and make any variety of objects – clothing items, prints, accessories, etc. – with your prints. Just makes sure your images are enormous. There's information about dimensions and formats right here.Anywho, just wanted to share what I think is an insanely awesome development in the world of on-demand, customized everything. The future is now!Oh, and I've also uploaded hella old photographs to make stuff out of. If you're curious, you can see my entire "portfolio" at this link.