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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

OOTD: Redrum

carpet from the shining outfit.pngHad a pretty shitty holiday in terms of my health. It turns out altitude sickness is extremely serious, potentially fatal, and fucking TERRIFYING.So, today, I kicked off the new year and my road to recovery with follow-up visits to the doctor and a brand new therapist for my brand new altitude-sickness-near-death-related anxiety! Hooray! This dress and scarf combo featuring the carpet pattern from The Shining just felt right for the occasion. You know?Anywho, pics and info behind the cut.the carpet from the shiningcarpet from the shining dressscarf and hermes scarf ringtaryn rose booties

Outfit Info

Hope you had better holidays than I did! HAPPY NEW YEAR!