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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Filtering by Tag: vodcast

Episode 18: Oh, hey! It's Ben Rosen!

We're back! In this episode, the awesome, inimitable, taller-than-you-probably-think Ben Rosen joins us to question Chris' aversion to peanut butter and tell us about his super terrific Panic Projects. As usual, we talk a lot about food, including olives, cilantro, and Outback Steakhouse—a great place to be euthanized. We also cover Kelsey Grammer's voice work as the Geico gecko, how difficult it is to draw an ampersand, Baltimore (and Philly?) accents, Ben's lifetime ban from Venmo, LinkedIn as the ultimate social platform for stealth art drops, the movie Titanic (which Marie has never seen, so it's good she ran away for that bit), and how Ben needs to come back sometime.

Episode 15: Chris wants to talk about sports because the Eagles, I guess.

Is NASCAR a sport? Then Crash Team Racing is the greatest sports game ever created.

On this crisp Friday morning/midday, we address the then-upcoming Superb Owl, starring Chris' hometown team: the inexplicably green Eagles. There's talk of cookie bowls, sports games (do you rip Chel? we rip Chel), racing games, Wii Sports, Kinect sports, and Mario Party. Sports game talk leads to esports leads to baby's first MOBA: HotS! And, honestly, isn't it just fun to play games with other people?

We cover Left 4 Dead, Gang Beasts, taking risks vs. being cowards, Sneaky Sasquatch, Outlanders, backwards compatibility, remakes, remasters, and how we'll handle the vast library of old and out-of-date games as we move into the future. Also mentioned: Viva Pinata, No One Can Stop Mr. Domino, Devil Dice, I.Q.: Intelligent Qube, KLAX, Rampart, Uwe Boll (not a coward) and the joys (for Chris) of his risk-taking movies, Jason Statham, and AAA text advenutres. Phew. Job's done!

Episode 14: We really talk about games this time. Oh, and Dave is back.

It's fun to have friends! Our friend Dave is back to chat with us about all kinds of nonsense. This time, we really talk about games. But first, we cover: Google view island hunting, The Sex Lives of Cannibals, smart dogs, plein air painting, whether or not Marie is a jerk (she is), the Wii U, Pikmin 3, crafting and survival games, Subnautica, lead poisoning, the fall of the Roman Empire, the silly dog, Link's Awakening, The Binding of Isaac, and the overall pros and cons of shaping a child's fragile little mind with games past and present.

Forgiveness, please! (Episodes 12 & 13)

Hello, anyone who might be following this little site. Please forgive the lack of content over the last several weeks. It is entirely my fault. Chris and experienced a few technical difficulties but, more than anything I have simply failed to make posts!

Here are two episodes of the VODcast you may have missed if you're not following us on Youtube. Please enjoy!

EPISODE 13: Diners, spreadsheets, and dives

...and previous to that..

EPISODE 12: There has to be a better way

Episode 11: YOLO

They say you only live once, so, like: BE CAREFUL. Say no to things. Do only the things you enjoy. Be yourself! Commit to something! YOLO!

Anywho, in this episode, it's still the holidays! Chris and I talk about a few things, including: (more) Fallout 76, No Man’s Sky, that quote everyone quotes, how Marie struggles with vamping, Avatar: The Way of Water, Glass Onion: A Knives Out something something, how "the Meek shall inherit the earth," His Dark Materials, Catholicism, how Marie knows nothing about Buddhism, Shef Steve (, The Last Jedi, YOLO and what it means to me, and the endless hedonic treadmill that is seeking achievement/accomplishment.

Episode 9: Trying not to talk about food

It's harder than you think!

Catching up on the content palooza! Here's the episode we recorded last week, right after my (Marie!) birthday. In this episode we discuss:

Birthdays, monorail, the Getty Center, wagyu beef, Duncan Hines yellow cake mix, pizza, Chicago, public transit, things that aren’t food, Marie’s awesome chair, rain, how to stay dry, Henry Cavill, the Witcher, Superman, Warhammer, how TikTok sucks, and how we are old.

Episode 8: It's been a while


After a short break in uploads due to technical difficulties, we are back! This somewhat shorter episode was recorded a couple of weeks ago. Blame Marie for being tardy.

In this episode, Chris and Marie discuss an array of topics, including: the dairy, the star-spangled banner, singing, Crayola, crayons, Disney cast members, ChatGPT, Avatar, Itchy & Scratchy, holidays, birthdays, making stuff, how crayons are made, how saxophones are made, and other.

Episode 7: If Dave's on the show, who's watching the show?

This week we welcome our one viewer/listener onto the show to tell us why his mind is geared toward the less than terrific aspects of just about anything. It's about SYSTEMS, y'all!

IN THIS EPISODE: Our special guest Dave Carr, Michigan; birth order; the automotive industry; optimizing systems; engineer vs engineer vs engineer; Prevagen (please note we do not use or endorse this product, chris just sees the ad a lot); jellyfish; the biomass of different species; child rearing; making adult decisions; object permanence; Do you live in the past, present, or future?; indie game devs; CCGs; Inscryption, Slay the Spire, MtG; Hearthstone; Overwatch 2; PvE vs PvP; God of War (when it was good); NFTs (ouch); how terrific Dave is.

Episode Six: The word for "egg-shaped" is "ovoid."

In this episode, we debut a new look for the VODcast! Do you like it? Do you love it? We think it's pretty terrific and we think you're pretty terrific too. Some other pretty terrific stuff we talk about in this episode: changing your name; social security; the SS; army-navy stores; active jobs; embroidery machines; hand embroidery; self-healing cutting mats; "ferrous;" Ubuntu; server admin; Etsy; Haim; Quora; wearing glasses; "no, you’re just getting old;" the shape of the human eye; the old internet; forums; MST3K; r/Outside; r/TheNightFeeling; Venice; raspberries.

Episode 5: Friendship is magic!

Introducing: Pretty Terrific Vodcast!

Because we just can't help ourselves, Chris and I are back at it again (anyone remember HCF?) with recording ourselves talking about things and putting those recordings on the internet—this time with video!The Pretty Terrific Vodcast is a weekly Twitch livestream—Fridays @ 10AM Pacific—and/or YouTube video series in which the two of us try to talk about pretty terrific things. In this, our third official episode, those things included...

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