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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Filtering by Tag: vod

Episode 8: It's been a while


After a short break in uploads due to technical difficulties, we are back! This somewhat shorter episode was recorded a couple of weeks ago. Blame Marie for being tardy.

In this episode, Chris and Marie discuss an array of topics, including: the dairy, the star-spangled banner, singing, Crayola, crayons, Disney cast members, ChatGPT, Avatar, Itchy & Scratchy, holidays, birthdays, making stuff, how crayons are made, how saxophones are made, and other.

Episode 5: Friendship is magic!

Introducing: Pretty Terrific Vodcast!

Because we just can't help ourselves, Chris and I are back at it again (anyone remember HCF?) with recording ourselves talking about things and putting those recordings on the internet—this time with video!The Pretty Terrific Vodcast is a weekly Twitch livestream—Fridays @ 10AM Pacific—and/or YouTube video series in which the two of us try to talk about pretty terrific things. In this, our third official episode, those things included...

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