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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Filtering by Tag: friendship

Episode 18: Oh, hey! It's Ben Rosen!

We're back! In this episode, the awesome, inimitable, taller-than-you-probably-think Ben Rosen joins us to question Chris' aversion to peanut butter and tell us about his super terrific Panic Projects. As usual, we talk a lot about food, including olives, cilantro, and Outback Steakhouse—a great place to be euthanized. We also cover Kelsey Grammer's voice work as the Geico gecko, how difficult it is to draw an ampersand, Baltimore (and Philly?) accents, Ben's lifetime ban from Venmo, LinkedIn as the ultimate social platform for stealth art drops, the movie Titanic (which Marie has never seen, so it's good she ran away for that bit), and how Ben needs to come back sometime.

Episode 10: XMAS!

We recorded this episode the day before the night before Xmas. In this episode, we discussed: Chris’ birthday, LAN parties, Quake, Overwatch, Starcraft, TF2, Valve, axolotls, Mudkips, Viva Piñata, officially licensed ornaments, Minecraft, redstone engineering, Center City in Philadelphia, the Wanamaker Holiday Light Show, holiday decorating and how Chris should be a good dad and do that for his kids next year, Green Day, having your generation marketed to FINALLY, 90s television, etc.

Episode 9: Trying not to talk about food

It's harder than you think!

Catching up on the content palooza! Here's the episode we recorded last week, right after my (Marie!) birthday. In this episode we discuss:

Birthdays, monorail, the Getty Center, wagyu beef, Duncan Hines yellow cake mix, pizza, Chicago, public transit, things that aren’t food, Marie’s awesome chair, rain, how to stay dry, Henry Cavill, the Witcher, Superman, Warhammer, how TikTok sucks, and how we are old.

Episode 5: Friendship is magic!