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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Filtering by Tag: reddit

Episode Six: The word for "egg-shaped" is "ovoid."

In this episode, we debut a new look for the VODcast! Do you like it? Do you love it? We think it's pretty terrific and we think you're pretty terrific too. Some other pretty terrific stuff we talk about in this episode: changing your name; social security; the SS; army-navy stores; active jobs; embroidery machines; hand embroidery; self-healing cutting mats; "ferrous;" Ubuntu; server admin; Etsy; Haim; Quora; wearing glasses; "no, you’re just getting old;" the shape of the human eye; the old internet; forums; MST3K; r/Outside; r/TheNightFeeling; Venice; raspberries.