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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Episode 15: Chris wants to talk about sports because the Eagles, I guess.

Is NASCAR a sport? Then Crash Team Racing is the greatest sports game ever created.

On this crisp Friday morning/midday, we address the then-upcoming Superb Owl, starring Chris' hometown team: the inexplicably green Eagles. There's talk of cookie bowls, sports games (do you rip Chel? we rip Chel), racing games, Wii Sports, Kinect sports, and Mario Party. Sports game talk leads to esports leads to baby's first MOBA: HotS! And, honestly, isn't it just fun to play games with other people?

We cover Left 4 Dead, Gang Beasts, taking risks vs. being cowards, Sneaky Sasquatch, Outlanders, backwards compatibility, remakes, remasters, and how we'll handle the vast library of old and out-of-date games as we move into the future. Also mentioned: Viva Pinata, No One Can Stop Mr. Domino, Devil Dice, I.Q.: Intelligent Qube, KLAX, Rampart, Uwe Boll (not a coward) and the joys (for Chris) of his risk-taking movies, Jason Statham, and AAA text advenutres. Phew. Job's done!