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this is pretty terrific

Archive of the abandoned This Is Pretty Terrific site from Marie Kare and Chris Maguire.

Episode 7: If Dave's on the show, who's watching the show?

This week we welcome our one viewer/listener onto the show to tell us why his mind is geared toward the less than terrific aspects of just about anything. It's about SYSTEMS, y'all!

IN THIS EPISODE: Our special guest Dave Carr, Michigan; birth order; the automotive industry; optimizing systems; engineer vs engineer vs engineer; Prevagen (please note we do not use or endorse this product, chris just sees the ad a lot); jellyfish; the biomass of different species; child rearing; making adult decisions; object permanence; Do you live in the past, present, or future?; indie game devs; CCGs; Inscryption, Slay the Spire, MtG; Hearthstone; Overwatch 2; PvE vs PvP; God of War (when it was good); NFTs (ouch); how terrific Dave is.