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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: quick recipes

Quickie Trick for Reheating Leftovers: Salami Cups

leftovers in salami cups .pngNot exactly a recipe, but here's a little something I made for breakfast the other day – leftovers reheated in little cups made of salami. Just pop the salami in a muffin tin, fill with whatever low-carb, keto-friendly leftover you have on hand, top with cheese, and pop in the a 350 degree oven for ten minutes until the cheese has melted and the leftovers are reheated. More pics after the cut.
What I used for filling: leftover cauliflower (no) mac and cheese. I made the cauliflower mac the night before with two types of cauliflower, heavy cream, and a cheese sauce of mozzarella, romano, and cheddar.