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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: artichokes

An Unmeasured Approach: The NYTimes' Spinach Artichoke Dip

spinach artichoke dip in a lowcarb tortilla bowl.pngThe NYTimes' has a great low-carb, keto-friendly recipe for spinach artichoke dip. Hooray!Unfortunately, in my hunger and excitement, I did not have the patience to measure out the ingredients. So, for this meal (Ben and I ate it for dinner – he with bread and potato chips, I with a lowcarb tortilla and strips of bacon), I kinda just eyeballed the amounts until I thought things looked (and tasted) good.Find the recipe here. A couple more pics of how mine turned out, plus a couple of notes after the cut.all the extra paremsan cheese you can handleThe NYT's recipe suggests you can eat the dip without baking, but baking makes it SO MUCH BETTER. For maximum surface area, I spread the dip into a large pie pan, sprinkled heavily with parmesan cheese, and popped it under the broiler for 10 minutes.yummy browned top of a spinach artichoke dipLook how yummy! I took a video of this bubble gooey-ness, but it's pretty NSFW. I have it saved to my desktop in a folder named "Normal Stuff Not Porn." Why do people always wanna look in there? It's just normal stuff, not porn. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯spinach artichoke dip in a lowcarb tortilla bowlIt's easy to go overboard and just pour the whole damn pie pan of dip into your mouth, but I'm a goddamn lady, so I don't fuck with that shit. Instead, I made things ever the more complicated by making a little bowl out of a low-carb tortilla and filling it with dip. I wanna say it was about portion control, but really it was about claiming the majority for myself. Snooze lose, Ben!I wish I could have some right now, but we ate it all. I finally I understand that saying about having your cake and eating it too. They should change it to "spinach artichoke dip." More folks would get it.Anywho, hope you're swell!