A Bee's Life
Filtering by Category: Internet
I Wrote A Book!
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be just two things when I grew up: five foot nine and a writer. I only made it to five foot seven, but guess what! Yesterday I self-published a book!
How to Celebrate National Days: Instructions for Enjoying Daily Pseudo-Holidays, Volume 1 is the work of my not-so-secret alter-ego, Certain Doom. Over on Certain Doom's site (followmetocertaindoom.com), I post questionable advice for a different "national day" celebration every single day. It's a lot of fun and surprisingly challenging, but more than anything else, it allows my mind to go to some very weird places. Here's a recent example...
National Days aren't even the main event on Follow Me to Certain Doom, that would be the Challenges, and that's what prompted this book. A little over two weeks ago – after a long hiatus from daily posting and with some newfound free time on my hands – I gave myself a personal challenge. In addition to writing a daily National Day post – which I typically scramble to do as soon as I wake up on the morning of said day – I would write a whole month's worth of days and release them together, in convenient ebook form.And, I did it!It's just a little thing – about an hour to read – but I'm ridiculously proud to have completed it. I would be honored/grateful/infinitely appreciative if you might check it out. It's available now in paperback and for Kindle devices. If you might even be willing to leave a review, I would love you until the end of time.Have a swell day!
Follow Me To Certain Doom
I have a new personal project. It's been a rough sort of year so far, and I'm looking for ways to make my daily life more fun, more interesting, more ridiculous.So, I started a new blog/game called Follow Me To Certain Doom – workplace challenges to make your day more interesting.Each week, I'll post a new challenge for you to undertake at work. I'll provide rules and scoring criteria. I'll even provide a spreadsheet you can use to calculate your scores.I just posted the second challenge last night and, so far, the response has been awesome. Complete strangers have been sending me images of their challenge results for me to post to the FMTCD Instagram. EXCITEMENT!Please check it out. If you like it, join the FMTCD Challenge Alert mailing list.
It Me
This Gif
Lawn = Mown.
Fake Science
[from Fake Science]
Have a Blessed Day
This Dancing Supermarket Cow Wishes You a Happy Work Week
Spire & Smithsonian's People's Design Award
For the last few months I've been working with a small wearable tech startup called Spire. We've just been nominated for the Cooper Hewitt People's Design Award! If you have a free moment, please vote for us! We'd be grateful for your support.P.S. You can cast a new vote every day!