I Wrote A Book!
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be just two things when I grew up: five foot nine and a writer. I only made it to five foot seven, but guess what! Yesterday I self-published a book!
How to Celebrate National Days: Instructions for Enjoying Daily Pseudo-Holidays, Volume 1 is the work of my not-so-secret alter-ego, Certain Doom. Over on Certain Doom's site (followmetocertaindoom.com), I post questionable advice for a different "national day" celebration every single day. It's a lot of fun and surprisingly challenging, but more than anything else, it allows my mind to go to some very weird places. Here's a recent example...
National Days aren't even the main event on Follow Me to Certain Doom, that would be the Challenges, and that's what prompted this book. A little over two weeks ago – after a long hiatus from daily posting and with some newfound free time on my hands – I gave myself a personal challenge. In addition to writing a daily National Day post – which I typically scramble to do as soon as I wake up on the morning of said day – I would write a whole month's worth of days and release them together, in convenient ebook form.And, I did it!It's just a little thing – about an hour to read – but I'm ridiculously proud to have completed it. I would be honored/grateful/infinitely appreciative if you might check it out. It's available now in paperback and for Kindle devices. If you might even be willing to leave a review, I would love you until the end of time.Have a swell day!