A Bee's Life
Filtering by Tag: work
Conference Call and/or Meeting Bingo
Some extremely useful Bingo cards for a day full of conference calls and meetings.
Follow Me To Certain Doom
I have a new personal project. It's been a rough sort of year so far, and I'm looking for ways to make my daily life more fun, more interesting, more ridiculous.So, I started a new blog/game called Follow Me To Certain Doom – workplace challenges to make your day more interesting.Each week, I'll post a new challenge for you to undertake at work. I'll provide rules and scoring criteria. I'll even provide a spreadsheet you can use to calculate your scores.I just posted the second challenge last night and, so far, the response has been awesome. Complete strangers have been sending me images of their challenge results for me to post to the FMTCD Instagram. EXCITEMENT!Please check it out. If you like it, join the FMTCD Challenge Alert mailing list.