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A Bee's Life

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Filtering by Tag: leftover turkey recipes

What to Do with Leftover Turkey: Keto Broccoli Mushroom Bake

Keto Broccoli Mushroom Turkey BakeGot leftover turkey? Here's a quickie recipe to add some variety to the endless turkey-based meal slog that is the week after Thanksgiving.I ordered a six-pound turkey. I received a nine-pound turkey. This is too much turkey. Honestly, six was already pushing it for a household of two where one person is a vegetarian.I have too much turkey and I need to do stuff with it. Here's what I did this morning. Most of this was winging it with ingredients I had on hand and there was no measuring involved. So, do as you feel! Be yourself! Motivational slogans!


  • leftover turkey, shredded by fork. I shredded up enough to cover the bottom of a small baking dish.
  • leftover cream of mushroom soup. I made some yesterday, but canned is fine.
  • 1 medium broccoli bunch – roughly chopped and cleaned.
  • hella parmesan cheese, grated


  • preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  • line your baking dish with a layer of shredded turkey
  • mix half your broccoli into your cream of mushroom soup
  • pour the mixture over the turkey
  • sprinkle remaining broccoli over the mixture
  • sprinkle parmesan over everything
  • bake for 25-30 minutes
Pics of how the layers go down...
Still more turkey to go, of course! Any suggestions for recipes would be greatly appreciated!