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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: cauliflower

Brocc-iflower Soup. Get hype.

Brocc-iflower Soup.pngYou ever buy a bunch of vegetables thinking: "Oh, man. I'm going to eat so healthy! Vegetables are amazing and I am a person who eats them!" and then a week later you still have mounds of untouched broccoli and cauliflower in your fridge?Well, here's a soup you can make with that untouched broccoli and cauliflower. Hell, you might even go to the store and just pick some up – this nonsense is pretty fucking tasty. (Though all the heavy cream may have something to do with it, but, whatever: #ketolife, ya'll.)Here's what you'll need and how to put it all together...


NOTE: I'm separating the ingredients into two parts: the first part for what I consider to be the "prepping" stage, the second for what I'll call the "souping" stage.PART ONE: PREPPING

  • 1 small head, raw cauliflower – about 7 oz., cleaned and separated into florets (chopped stems are tasty, too!)
  • 1 small head, raw broccoli – about 7oz., cleaned and separated into florets (again, I like to include chopped stems!)
  • 6 Tbsp., crème fraîche
  • 6 Tbsp., water or broth of your choosing
  • 6 Tbsp, heavy whipping cream


  • .75 cup., water or broth
  • 11 Tbsp., heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tsp., raw lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp., olive oil as garnish for "marbling"


NOTE: I was inspired by an old video to try my hand at "marbling" the soup. If you'd like to try it, too, keep your cauliflower and broccoli separate at all times. I'll add some tips/notes below to help with this.

  1. Steam cauliflower and broccoli until soft. I did this in a steamer basket on the stove in two batches (one cauliflower, one broccoli.)
  2. Pulse steamed vegetables in a food processor, just enough to even out the larger chunks. Your veggies will get plenty of pulsing as you add the liquids.
    • SEPARATE SOUPS: Pulse separately and remember to clean your food processor between batches to keep your colors clean.
  3. Add "prepping" liquids to the food processor – crème fraîche, water/broth, and whipping cream – and pulse to incorporate. The mixture should not yet be "soupy" in consistency, but more like a paste. A delicious vegetable paste.
    • Feel free to use less of the liquid ingredients per your taste, but I recommend keeping equal parts crème fraîche to water/broth to cream. 
    • If you're keeping cauliflower and broccoli separate and processing in batches, halve the ingredients between the two batches.
  4. Transfer mixture to saucepan and heat over medium-low heat.
    • SEPARATE SOUPS: Use separate saucepans!
  5. Add "souping" liquids to saucepan, stirring to incorporate. Again, you can deviate from the numbers used above to get your preferred consistency, but equal parts of each works well.
    • SEPARATE SOUPS: Divide the souping liquids between the two soups!
  6. Salt, pepper, stir to taste.
  7. Add a squeeze of lemon juice for a little brightness.
    • SEPARATE SOUPS: Add lemon juice only to the broccoli soup.
  8. If you find your soup a little too slack, continue to cook over medium-low heat until the soup has reduced down to your preferred consistency. Otherwise...
  9. Plate and enjoy!

Instructions for "Marbling"

I pretty much winged it here. But, here's what I did:

  1. Pour broccoli soup into bowl.
  2. Pour cauliflower soup into the center of the bowl, forming a white circle within the green, like some kind of fancy soup barista.
  3. Drag the thin end of a clean chopstick through the cauliflower soup and into the broccoli, forming a design.
  4. Using a clean eyedropper (I know, this is getting super fussy) place several drops of olive oil throughout the cauliflower section of the soup.
  5. Again, drag the clean chopstick through the soup, this time in the opposite direction.
  6. Continue to fiddle until you get a design you like.

Here are two more attempts I made at fiddling with soup...[gallery ids="6974,6975" type="square" columns="2"]

Nutritional Info

This recipe provided about 6 half-cup servings. The following numbers are per serving:

  • Calories: 207
  • Fat: 21g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Carbohydrates: 5g
  • Fiber: 1g

Be advised that all that marbling fussiness is entirely unnecessary. I just thought it was fun. Also, it was kinda neat to be able to dip a spoon in and taste the soups separately. You can totally make the soup completely integrated from the start. In fact, after taking a few pictures, I combined the soups into a single container to keep in the fridge. Over the next few days, I reheated the soup in a small saucepan and garnished with shaved parmesan cheese, chopped basil leaves, or shredded cheddar. Good times.I really just made this all up as I went along, but am super happy with the results. If you try it yourself, I'd love to hear from you!