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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: styling

OOTD: Just Say No to Pants

2I've said it before and I'll say it again: pants are for jerks. Don't let cold weather sway you from an anti-pants stance. Stay strong! Individual pics and outfit info behind the cut...35

Outfit Info

  • purple sweater dress – ASOS
  • checked wool belted blazer – H&M
  • charcoal wedge over-the-knee boots – Stuart Weitzman
  • yellow leather clutch – Baggu
  • "No Pants" pin – PINTRILL

Have a frank and productive day, friends.Follow my blog with Bloglovin

OOTD: I Have to Return Some Video Tapes

video tape print dress fall outfit.pngDipping my toe back into #ootd posts! Turns out they're a lot easier to pull off when my stupid face isn't in them ruining all the pictures. Hooray!Remember back when I posted about Redbubble? Let me assure you my enthusiasm has not waned. So far, I've purchased 15 different dresses, some with matching scarves. Here's one now!video tape printThe print is vintage video tapes! If only this dress had my favorite 80s movies – Big Trouble in Little China and G.I. Joe: The Movie – it would be the ultimate garment.Anywho, I wore this outfit for an afternoon of goofing around the SF MoMa with the always awesome Candace of The Real Food Effect. Good times were had by all.

Outfit Details

Hope you've been swell!