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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: etsy

Matchy Matchy

matchymatchyAfter last week's spot-on color matching of shoes to dress, I began to wonder what other items I own that might coordinate so perfectly. It turns out I have a lot of inexplicably, perfectly matching clothing items. How? Why? It can't be that clothing/shoe/accessory manufacturers all collude to favor a given palette each season/year (despite what Pantone would have you believe) – many of these items were purchased several years apart. Is it simply that *I* favor particular colors? No way. That can't be. I'm, like, a complex and ever-evolving woman whose tastes are informed by and are a reflection upon the zeitgeist... YEAH!Or, I just really like blue.[Vince Camuto dress, Bagatelle leather & tweed jacket, Baggu clutch, Donald J. Pliner platform sandals, vintage belt purchased on Etsy.]