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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

Filtering by Tag: puppy

San Francisco Animal Care & Control

San Francisco Animal Care & Control is San Francisco's "only open door animal shelter that accepts any animal - in any condition - of any temperament. SF ACC is responsible for the City’s stray, injured, abandoned, neglected and mistreated animals - of all species - and wildlife. All varieties of animals are available for adoption daily."

Having adopted two dogs who were surrendered to shelters (Audrey came from the Pinole shelter, Penelope from  SF ACC), I feel as though I owe decades' worth of happiness and camaraderie to organizations like the SF ACC. They do so much to enrich the lives of both people and animals. I've seen that impact first hand.Please join me in supporting the SF ACC's latest fundraiser, Bringing Music to Their Ears, which will supply the facility with a state-of-the-art sound system to sooth and calm shelter animals and the people who care for them in an often hectic, loud, and stressful environment.

[all images courtesy of SF ACC and some taken by me]