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A Bee's Life

Stuff & Nonsense

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Factday Friday: Xmas Edition

It's the most wonderful time of the year! A time for joy! A time for merriment! A time for total factual accuracy!

FACT: Live Christmas trees have been sold commercially in the United States since 1850, with the first retail tree lot opening in New York in 1851. [Source]Photo by Wade Brooks.FACT: 1.76 billion candy canes are produced in the United States each year. [Source]Photo by Rakka.FACT: The annual tally of candy-cane-spear-related fatalities and/or injuries remains undocumented at this time. My guess, however, is that most candy-cane-spear-related injuries are self-inflicted and, therefore, go unreported. [Source]FACT: The two weeks prior to Christmas are the year's peak season for the break up of romantic relationships. However, if you can make it to Christmas Day, you're home free! Statistically, Christmas Day has the fewest break-ups of any day all year. [Source]Merry Christmas![The Factday Friday format is shamelessly ganked from LiveTheDayAway.]