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Walk the Walk on YouTube

Marie Kare

Walk the Walk is a walking tour video channel filmed in spectacular locations and featuring glorious image quality and ambient sound. It’s an as-yet under-the-radar project from João Martins. Blurb time:

Based in São Paulo, Brazil, João Martins (check pronunciation here) is a multidisciplinary graphic designer, amateur photographer, musician and videomaker. He also runs the YouTube channel 'Walk the Walk,' where he explores urban experiences through walking.

Interview on Create Whimsy

Marie Kare

Not too long ago, the folks at Create Whimsy asked me several (so, so many) questions. I answered them! You can check it out at this link.

That said, the most important/meaningful part of the whole, IMO, is probably this quote from Chuck Close:

Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightening to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself.
— Chuck Close

Andy Moore covers "Simply the Best"

Marie Kare

Please enjoy this absolutely lovely and wonderful cover of Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best” (by way of Schitt’s Creek) performed by the fucking incredible Andy Moore. I have known Andy since fifth grade, and she has always been and continues to be one of the most talented individuals I have ever known.

Andy will perform this song at a friend’s wedding in the Philippines this spring, so why don’t we all go to the Philippines for a wedding so we can hear it live? That sounds like an amazing plan. I’m happy you thought of it, nice reader. You’re the best. Simply the best.

Archive: A Bee's Life

Marie Kare

I’ve unearthed and more or less successfully archived yet another failed blog of mine to add to this site: A Bee’s Life!

From 2009 to 2020, I blogged sporadically, in fits and starts, in sudden downpours, in light hiccups about various subjects of interest: food, clothes, dogs, art, poetry, my now-husband, stuff I did for work, stuff that amused me, how you don’t make friends with salad, cooking keto (yes, I was that person), etc.

I gotta tell ya, it is beyond trippy to scroll back through time to see what mattered to you nearly two decades ago. It’s weird to see a younger me. It’s weird to see a younger Ben! It’s heartbreaking to see the dogs we have loved and lost.

This process of moving all my content to one location is challenging and time-consuming, but interesting and gratifying in a strange kind of way. I thought I would feel a lot more cringe. BUT MAYBE THAT’S STILL TO COME. I have two more blogs (one even older!) yet to go.

A Bee’s Life archive at this link.

Archive: This Is Pretty Terrific

Marie Kare

Sometimes I describe myself as a “compulsive creative.” I kinda need to be making things all the time. Or, at least, thinking about making things. Making plans to make things.

One thing I used to make a lot of is blogs. (Remember blogs?) Back in the halcyon days of the summer of 2022, my homie, frequent collaborator, and fellow doer-of-things Chris Maguire and I created yet another blog, this time with a vodcast component which mostly served as an excuse for us to get together on Friday mornings and talk about things we liked. It was pretty terrific.

So, if you feel like it, please enjoy the full archive of content from our former site (RIP), This Is Pretty Terrific.

I’ll be migrating a bunch of old stuff from old blogs and sites and projects over to this here website in the coming… let’s say year. It’s a somewhat manual process that make take some time. Anywho, hope you’re well.

Oh, hello.

Marie Kare

Hey there, internet friend. I’m consolidating all my lapsed blogs into one convenient location where you can read and see and hear all about the things I’m up to and have been up to on the internet for ages. Blogs: so retro, amirite?